ESPO Conference Malta/ The Hague 2020
OnlineEPSO 29th Conference and C19 Task Force meeting online
Main topics
- What makes regulationexcellent?
- What does the future of regulation look like ?
- Future developments in regulation and inspection; Various supervisory approache;
- ‘Inclusion’ and ‘User involvement’ in regulation of Health and Social Care;
- Epistemic Injustice and a systematic approach to include ‘modern slavery’ victims in supervisory practice
Programme and presentations
Conference day 1
Start of the conference
Welcome by the conference chair Jooske Vos, EPSO
What makes regulation excellent?
SESSION 1* Excellence – Principles of excellence ; What does excellent supervision look like? What are principles of professionalism, integrity and good governance?
Introduction to the Computer assisted regulatory decision support CATS/ CARDS; method used to implement elements of excellence in supervisory practice- Presented by Dick Ruimschotel (The Netherlands);
Improving Regulatory Compliance in Healthcare: Creating A Taxonomy of Regulatory Interventions and Achieving Long Term Objectives – Erik Koornneef, Advisor Ministry of Health, Abu Dhabi, UAE
SESSION 2 Excellence – Learning from other industries and from cross border co-operation
Compliance and Excellence in the Financial Sector; how to supervise the culture of regulated organisations. Aute Kasdorp
Comparing the national responses during the Covid crisis. Florentin Blanc OECD, France/ Italy;
SESSION 3 –Future developments in regulation and inspection; Various supervisory approaches
What does (excellent) regulation look like in the future? –Victoria Howes, CQC, England;
How can external inspections – in the future – be better prepared to facilitate more effective ways of conducting inspections, mediate change and improve the quality of care in healthcare organisations.
Einar Hovlid, Helsetilsynet Norway, will speak about a systematic review and narrative synthesis which was conducted:
- to explore the way in which external inspections might mediate change in organisations;
- To get better knowledge on how external inspections can contribute to improve quality of care, and
- find why the effects of external inspections seem to vary.
SESSION 4 –Future developments in regulation and inspection; Various supervisory approaches
Effects of new technologies and technological advancements.Input from Estonia – Maria-Filina-Kossatšova;
15:15 – 15:30 As supervisor, how to meet future requirements for good care? How does SCSA will meet the future requirements of good care? Matthew Vella – Malta;
SESSION 5-Future developments in regulation and inspection; Various supervisory approaches
Risk assessment in Social Care – Community based living vs. rehabilitative/residential care, by Francesca Muscat Camilleri, Head of Regulations and Standards and Nicole Borg Senior Research Officer SCSA, Malta;
16:45 -17:00 Future developments of inspection Latvia: New inspection methods and evaluation tools in Latvian Health Care (pathways to supervise strokes in hospital care) Indra Dreika – Latvia
Conference day 2
‘Inclusion’ and ‘User involvement’ in regulation of Health and Social Care
SESSION 6-Inclusion and user involvement
The SURE framework (Supporting, Understanding, Responding, Evaluating) which is now going live in New Zealand Richard Hamblin , Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand;
Tools to increase the user perspective in supervision with social facilities for children/youth; Anne Lund Frydensberg, NBSS (National Board of Social Services), Denmark.
During the break short films: The importance of consumers in Whakakotahi (New Zealand): primary care quality improvement. Some of the people involved in Whakakotahi projects talk about their experience and how consumers are key partners in quality improvement.
SESSION 7-Inclusion and user involvement
Regulating long-term care in the home environment by mapping the care network and starting from the experience of the client; a qualitative study Didi Verver, VU University Amsterdam MC, The Netherlands;
10:45 – 11:00 Lessons learned during the Covid and best practices to increase the preparedness for the future pandemics Henk Nies, Vilans, The Netherlands;
SESSION 8-Inclusion and user involvement
Epistemic Injustice and a systematic approach to include ‘modern slavery’ victims in supervisory practice
Modern Slavery – A special CQC project focus of to include modern slavery victims in supervisory practice-Charles Rendell CQC;
Epistemic Injustice – Havi Carel, Bristol University;
SESSION 9 Follow up EPSO Covid 19 – Task Force working group
Andrew Terris, IFIC – EPSO presentation Sept 2020 Andrew