ESPO Conference Malmö 2019

EPSO 28th Conference and Working group meetings in Malmö

Main topics

  • A vision on quality in health and social care including  quality standards and implementation dilemmas – a supervisory approach;
  • Sustainable methods for  effective supervision including outcome and value based supervision.
  • o   A vision on Quality;

  • o   Implementation methods , Impact and  Results in the various countries;

  • o   FORUM on vision on Quality-; How to master impact and qualitative outcomes in health and social care.

  • Innovative methods for supervision  in health and social care including  methods to include the unseen the unheard and those not included;
    • o   Technical innovation in health and social care inspection;

    • o   Ethical innovation in health and social care;

    • o   Innovative methods to include the unseen, unheard and those not included.

    Pre-conference EPSO working group meetings







    Link to conference photos

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    Programme and presentations

    Conference day 1

    Start of the conference

    Welcome by the conference chair Ardita Baraku, Kosovo and Roundtable introduction session of the delegates.


    A supervisory approach of innovation in health and social care
    – how to include the unseen, the unheard and those not included

    Including children’s rights in inspection of children services

    By the Ombudsman for Children in Sweden Elisabeth Dahlin.

    New Ethical questions in Health care with relevance for health care supervision

    By Lotta Eriksson, SMER (The Swedish National Council on Medical ethics).

    Young volunteers in supervision of care services

    By Kevin Mitchell, Care Inspectorate Scotland. 


    Roundtable discussion session: how to include the unseen, the unheard and those not included


    Feedback from roundtables


    A vision on quality, quality standards and implementation dilemmas

    Expected results and impact of the new quality standards and methods in Malta

    By Matthew Vella, CEO, The Social Care Standards Authority, Malta

    Vision on Quality – A new role model for regulation – towards sustainable change and improvement in the regulation of health and social care ; How to manage a sustainable relationship between the supervisor and the service provider?

    By Assoc. Prof Johan Thor, Sweden (EPSO advisory network)

    A vision on quality – quality standards in social care – some recent developments in the Netherlands

    By prof. Henk Nies (EPSO advisory network); Moving towards a new role for the inspectorate; How to balance between the role of the inspectorate, the role of the care provider, the role of the intermediate organisations, government intervention and what are dilemma’s?

    A vision on quality- quality standards – theory and practice – how to implement a working model – not only on paper but also in practice

    By Assoc. prof. Annemiek Stoopendaal, the Netherlands.  

    Roundtable discussion session: vision on quality: How to master impact and qualitive outcomes in health and social care

    Moderated and chaired by Richard Hamblin, New Zeeland


    Social programme

    City walking tour old Malmö

     Conference dinner at Restaurant Rådhuskällaren on invitation of EPSO

    Conference day 2


    Impact and result of quality improvement in the various countries

    First ideas and plans for ‘Outcome based supervision’ in Singapore

    By Louisa Zhang, Singapore

    Strengthening the evidence about CQC’s contribution to improvement of quality of care

    By Alan Boyd, England

    Results and effect of the implementation of the new Scottish quality standards for health and social care (new standards; Impact of the new care standards)

    By Peter MacLeod, Care Inspectorate Scotland. Including questions and video of Jill and Alison’s story. 

    New initiatives for health care quality improvement in Latvia-Evija Palčeja

    Latvian Health Inspectorate: developing self-assessment as the system and part of supervision (methodology, collaboration, feedback, national improvements), complaints triage and involvement of hospitals in analysis and investigation, themed audits (mammography, stroke as an example).

    Quality improvement supervisory strategy in Turkey

    By Duygu Kara, Ministry of Health


    A supervisory approach of innovation in health and social care- Innovative methods for supervision- methods to include the unseen, the unheard and those not included

    Technical innovation in a regulatory approach

    By Tim Atkins, CQC, England

    The Rainbow model – a digital innovation tool to evaluate value-based Integrated care (VBIC) -approaches within care systems

    By Pim Valentijn, Maastricht University/ The Netherlands. Interactive session including questions and discussions.

    Special Session 

    Creatively engaging people by using innovative tools. Using participatory design approaches and visual methods lead by design researchers seek to creatively engage people who use and deliver services to innovate systems, pathways and experiences of care. Gemma Teal, the Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI), the Glasgow School of Art, Scotland.

    Practical matters

    EPSO Board Updates 

    By Jooske Vos, Chair of EPSO Board.

    Please if you have not done so, dont forget to fill in

    EPSO SURVEY please click here

    This (anonymous) survey is about the future of EPSO and aims to gather information about the expectations of the EPSO partners, possibilities for partners to get involved in EPSO activities and recommendations to EPSO. 

    Thank you all for filling in the Conference feedback!