22nd EPSO conference - Stockholm 2016
Short overview and presentations
Programme Day 0 (Wednesday September 28th) EPSO working group meetings:
- Working group 1: Patient and user involvement (chaired by Lena Weilandt);
- Working group 2 Observation (chaired by Sipko Mülder as acting chair);
- Working group 3 Effectiveness (chaired by Riitta Aejmelaeus);
- Working group 4 e-Health (chaired by Tove Gemzell);
- Working group 5 Risk (chaired by Bruno Lucet).
Programme Day 1 – Thursday September 29th
Conference chaired by Klas Öberg
Opening and welcome words by Gunilla Hult Backlund (Director-General of IVO)
Introduction to Patient and User involvement in supervisory practice by Lena Weilandt, IVO, Sweden (Chair EPSO patient and user participation working group)
Patient and user involvement in supervisory practice in Norway by Bente Smedbråten (Helsetilsynet- Norwegian Board of Health Supervision. Norway)
Public voice about healthcare quality and patient perspective in the regulatory process by Renee Bouwman (NIVEL Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research) The Netherlands
Patient and user involvement in supervisory practice in the Netherlands by prof Paul Robben and Sorien Kleefstra ( IGZ), The Netherlands
General Forum Discussion including EPSO working group members from Sweden/ Norway/ Denmark/ Finland/ Iceland/ Netherlands/ Latvia led by Lena Weilandt, Sweden
How to handle transparency, openness and public disclosure in supervisory practice in cases such as:
- healthcare institutions or services rated as inadequate, insufficient, weak, or bad;
- individual doctors nurses or staff accused of or associated with medical failures, adverse events, incidents, errors or other serious accusations;
- complex situations related to poor healthcare quality.
Input from the Netherlands (IGZ), Ian Leistikow
Input from Denmark (DPSA), Anette-Lykke Petri
Input from Denmark (NBSS) Henrik Frostholm
Input from Bulgaria, Alexandrina Gigova
Input from Bulgaria, Alexandrina Gigova
Interactive session and discussion in small groups
Paul Robben’s farewell from EPSO
Programme Day 2 – Friday, September 30th
Risk indicators for quality and safety of health care
The new 5 year strategy of CQC (a more dynamic and detailed risk model to support inspectors) by Liz Owen
External input from Wales, Ruth Studley
External input from France, Bruno Lucet
External input from Finland, Hanna Ahonen
Geir-Sverre Braut farewell from EPSO
External input Netherlands, Sipko Mülder
External input Sweden, Emma Stradalovs
External input from New Zealand’s health and social care regulator
A focus on health and social care agency integration on “social investment” and risk profiling across social and health markers – interview of Richard Hamblin by Andrew Terris.
Reflection on the key issues, discussion and debate led by Liz Owen
Practical Issues of EPSO
EPSO state of affairs, organisational structure and governance
Update on new developments and organisational structure Geir Sverre Braut.
Next EPSO conference in Estonia at the Island Saaremaa, Estonia 3-5 July 2017
EPSO Conference Iceland, September 26-27 2017 in connection to the so called Nordic Conference
Hosted by the Icelandic Directorate of Health.
Reporting of the EPSO preconference working groups
E-Health and supervision by Tove Gemzell
Effectiveness of supervisory organisations by Riitta Aejmelaeus
EPSO Observation Working group by Jooske Vos (replacing Sipko Mülder)