EPSO Online Conference The Hague 2021
OnlineEPSO 30th Conference and Working group meetings online
Main topics
- a. New developments in healthcare and regulation after Covid.
- b. Learnings from Covid-19: – Effects on specific groups including staff in social and long term care – E-health, Digital health, E-inspection, and cross-border co-operation. – End of Life care.
- c. Equality and Inclusion in healthcare and supervisory practice – epistemic injustice
- d. Systems regulation and Improvement of supervisory systems – System Audits/ Quality Indicators.
EPSO C19 Task Force working group meeting
2. Online Working Group (19th of May) from The Hague:
1. End of Life Care – the 19th of May.
2. Preparing for the Face to face Conference in Riga on the 30th of September – the 1st of October around the topic of Effectiveness in Supervisory practice.
Programme and presentations
Thursday 20th of May
Start of the conference 08:45 – 09:00
Welcome by the conference chair Jooske Vos, EPSO
Welcome by Anita Slokenberga – Head of The Latvian Health Inspectorate (Latvijas Veselības inspekcija).
3 online conference-sessions:
9:00 – 10:30 SESSION 1*
11:00 – 12:30 SESSION 2*
13:30 – 15:00 SESSION 3*
9:00 – 10:30 SESSION 1 – New developments in healthcare and regulation after Covid 1
In this session new developments in healthcare and regulation will be presented and discussed; EPSO partners and invited guests will present a selection of findings during Covid and give an updated overview of their innovative practices and plans after Covid.
9:00 – 9:20 EPSO Better healthcare: Flywheel effects and accelerations due to Covid-19, Better (warning) systems in healthcare and assisted health presented by dr. Peter Carter, New South Wales Local Health District, Australia.
9:20 – 9:40 Better healthcare: Flywheel effects and accelerations due to Covid-19, Leading Better Value Care , Allied health professionals moving towards mainstream by Prof. Susan Nancarrow, Faculty of Health, Southern Cross University, Australia.
9:40 – 10:00 Improved regulatory practise: Can regulation think about better warning systems in supervisory practice? – Lessons learned during Covid and practices to increase preparedness for future pandemics. presented by dr. Darwin MAK Wai-lai, Office for Regulation of Private Healthcare Facilities Department of Health, Hong Kong.
10:00-10:20 Learnings from Covid- How improvement of care became visible as a result of sudden changes in circumstances such as suddenly stopping the day-care- treatment in the disabled care sector – Stephan Hermsen – Institute for Positive Health/ Vilans, the Netherlands
10:20 –10:45 Expert Reactions, Q&A, Discussion.
11:00 –12:30 SESSION 2 – Learnings from Covid
Effects including mental health impact on specific groups during the Pandemic. Lessons learned –findings of effects on specific groups during the pandemic – How to use these lessons in regulation/inspection/supervision? 11:00 – 12:30
Mental health effects on specific groups in long term care – Support for workers in social and residential care and informal carers, René van het Erve, Dignity and Pride in the region (‘Waardigheid en trots in de regio’), Utrecht, The Netherlands. 11:20 – 11:40 Lessons learned during Corona in long-term care, how to co-operate, create leadership and how to support staff ? – Jenny Mast , VILANS , Utrecht, The Netherlands.
11:40 – 12:00 Lessons learned during Corona in long-term care how to co-operate, create leadership and support staff ? – Letizia Buttigieg Social Care Standards Authority (SCSA ) Malta.
12:00-12:15 Findings from inspection of care homes – the inspectorate perspective including the wider perspective of putting in place support for care homes in Scotland , Marie Paterson , Marie Mc Kerry – Care Inspectorate Scotland
12:15 – 12:30 – Effects of Covid seen by other countries (a.o Eating disorders after Covid in England CQC-England ) , Expert Reactions, Q&A, Discussion:
13:30 – 15:15 SESSION 3 – Systems regulation and improvement of supervisory systems
System Audits: Learning from results and new approach of the Latvian long term care audit. System Audits: How can regulators mediate change and move towards a better and integrated system approach? How be better prepared to facilitate improvement of the quality of care by having system-based knowledge and find ways of conducting system-based inspections.
13:30 – 13:50 System Audits in Latvia Introduction to the new approach of System Audits in Latvia – What is new? What to expect from this approach compared to the old approach? –Evija Andžāne
13:50 – 14:10 System audits in Latvia first results of the System Audits Approach in Latvia. – Viktorija Zefirova Tačinska –
14:10 – 14:30 A structured and systematic way of giving follow up to recommendations – presented by Rhys Jones, Head of Escalation & Enforcement, Health Inspectorate Wales, Wales.
14:30 – 14:45 Reviewing how health and social care providers are working together at a system level in England by Charles Rendell, CQC England.
14:45 – 14:50 Upcoming study on the research need for regulation of systems , Alan Boyd , Healthcare and Public sector management , University of Manchester introduced by Charles Rendell and Alison Thwaites, CQC, England;
14:50 – 15: 15 Expert Reactions, Q&A, Discussion: Why and how to move towards a structured and systematic approach in inspection/ regulation, EPSO Partner or Invited guest.
Programme and presentations
Friday 21th of May
Start of the conference 09:00
3 online conference-sessions:
9:00 – 10:30 SESSION 1*
11:00 – 12:30 SESSION 2*
13:00 – 14:30 SESSION 3*
9:00 – 10:30 SESSION 4 – Learnings from Covid
E-health, Digital health, E-inspection, and cross-border co-operation.
9:00 – 9:20 Effects of new technologies and technological advancements– How to keep healthcare safe and trusted? Maria Filina-Kossatšova , Terviseamet, Estonian Health Board, Estonia.
9:20 – 9:50 A broader approach to digital/e-regulation – experiences from Singapore; Lessons learned by a regulator. Presenting : a. telemedicine and e-health b. artificial intelligence (AI) c. cyber security d. preventing unwelcome cross-border influences; by Praveen Raj Kumar and Weng Chee Chan, Engagement & Strategy, Health Regulation Group, Ministry of Health, Singapore.
9:50 – 10:10 Changes and acceleration in technology ask for a regulatory response; how to tackle cross border co-operation to regulate the cross-border challenges in a borderless world of e- health? What options can we think of? Kevin Freeman-Ferguson, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Scotland.
10:10 – 10:30 Expert Reactions, Q&A, Discussion.
11:00 –12:30 SESSION 5 – Systems regulation and improvement of supervisory systems
11:00 – 11:15 Introduction – Mircha Poldrugovac, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam will present the background, approach and preliminary results on how supervisory organizations use performance indicators in oversight processes of long term care facilities. The study involves inspectorates all over the world.
11:15 – 12:30 Discussion with all participants, moderated by prof. Niek Klazinga, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam. Participants will be invited to reflect on the performance domains on which oversight focuses, how these performance domains are assessed during oversight, what role performance indicators can play, what are the sources of information available to supervisory organizations and what role supervisory organizations can play in setting national or regional performance indicators. These issues will be explored in specific contexts, such as assessment of person-centeredness and appropriate staffing level.
13:00 – 14:30 SESSION 6 -Equality and Inclusion in Healthcare and supervisory practice
Epistemic Injustice, Equality and inclusion from the perspective of illness and how to use this in supervisory practise? How to improve listening to the patient in a holistic way? How to support the translation of patient centred care into actual improvement to healthcare provision?
13:00 – 13:30 Epistemic Injustice and Equality from the perspective of illness How can we take patient views seriously and how can we better utilise these views? What is the patient toolkit? How does it work? Could regulators use the toolkit in supervisory practice? – Prof Havi Carel, University of Bristol.
13:30 – 14:00 Equality and inclusion in supervisory practice An expert reaction from CQC; How did CQC approach the topic of Epistemic Injustice? What were obstacles? – Lucy Wilkinson- CQC, England will introduce this topic and questions around the approach.
14:00-14:20 Some remarks on Epistemic Injustice in the perspective of Inspection / Supervision practice – Gunnar Husabø Norwegian Board of Health supervision, Norway.
14:00 – 14:30 Expert Reactions, Q&A, Discussion open to all participants in the session.
14: 30 Closing of day 2 of the EPSO Conference
Programme for working groups
1. The EOL -Working Group – Wednesday 19th of May 2021 – 9.00 – 11.00
End of Life care: a new approach to improve and inspect end of life care practises.
2. EPSO Effectiveness working group – postponed to a later date ( invitations will be sent to those who registered for this group
1. EPSO EOL Working group, 19th of May 2021 9:00 – 11:00
End of Lifecare: a new approach to improve and inspect ‘End of Life care’ – practices. Lessons learned in Portugal – How to use these lessons in regulation/ inspection and supervision? The aim of this working group is to answer the question whether it is useful to formulate manageable and clear definitions in the various EPSO countries to arrive at an unambiguous and comparable supervisory system regarding end-of-life issues. One of the questions to discuss in this Working Group will be if participants find it useful to start an EPSO project on this. Preamble: There are considerable variations in EOL practices between and within countries and regions, and, even in the same hospital, among wards and intensive/intermediate care units. Therefore a common terminology seems necessary and could be helpful for regulators and supervisors A common terminology is a first step to be able to evaluate equity and access and- finally- to audit the quality of practice. Given the considerable variations in EOL practices, the EOL Working Group could focus the discussion on a number of these differences.
9:00 – 9:30 Introduction to the working group in co-operation with prof Paulo Maia presented by prof Alvaro Moreira da Silva – Portugal.
9:30 – 10:00 Introduction by End of Life experts – A combined (new) perspective on End of Life planning (ACP) by the Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand’s and the New Zealand Ministry of Health – in cooperation with Alastair Higham-Lee – presented by Leigh Manson.
10:00- 10:10 End of Life Care – the Scottish perspective – a short presentation by Marie Mc.Kerry – Care Inspectorate Scotland. 10:15 – 10:45 Expert Reactions, Q&A, Discussion.
10:45 – 11:00 Consultation about continuation of this working group – options to discuss.
EPSO Effectiveness working group
preparing for the September face to face Conference in RIGA, Latvia (30 September – 1 October 2021)- postponed
Those who are interested to participate in this group are welcome to inform the EPSO Joint Office and ask for an invitation. The aim of this working group is to prepare for the face-to-face conference in September in Riga around the topic of ‘effectiveness in supervisory practice’ – including suggestions for speakers, case studies, best practices, plans etc. wit input from the EPSO network a.o Latvia: Indra Dreika, Norway: Einar Hovlid, England CQC: Charles Rendell ; the Netherlands: Dick Ruimschotel UAE: Erik Koornneef