31st EPSO Conference Riga 2021
DUE TO COVID POSTPONED and transformed into a one and a half day EPSO Working Group live in RIGA on the topic of EFFECTIVENESSEPSO WORKING GROUP MEETING live in RIGA (spring 2022) on EFFECTIVENESS chaired by Einar Hovlid – Norway
Suggested sub-topics for the EPSO Effectiveness working group:
- How do we as a supervisory organization effectively define our goals, what information and what data could be used best?
- How do inspectorates react to the new WHO plan Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021–2030: Towards eliminating avoidable harm in health care; 2021. Could this plan put us on the road to Effectiveness?https://www.who.int/teams/integrated-health-services/patient-safety/policy/global-patient-safety-action-plan
- Early warning systems of organization at risk – how to identify and prevent risks “in time” (Indicators) in order to become effective.
- Specific early warning signals such as ‘acting on suspicion of sepsis ’ as an early warning system for quality and safety . Can it help to improve effectiveness ?
- Exchange of good practices and experiences between Health and Care organizations – how do countries/ inspectorates use this to improve quality and safety, What are the results. What is the role of the supervisory organization ( inspectorate) in promoting co-operation and information sharing?
- Measurement of Effectiveness. How to measure? How to know what is effective? Is it possible to measure Effectiveness of our inspectorate towards ‘open’ goals such as “ improvement of good, safe and qualitative not-substandard care for all citizens”? Or do we need to ask for compliance with detailed rules regulations and standards that are set in advance?
SPRING 2022 MAY or JUNE (the exact dates will be announced later)
Start of the working group DAY 1 08:45 – 09:00
- Welcome by EPSO board chair Jooske Vos, EPSO
- Introduction to the working group by the chair of the working group Einar Hovlid
4 live -sessions:
9:00 – 10:30 SESSION 1*
11:00 – 12:30 SESSION 2*
13:30 – 15:00 SESSION 3*
15:00 – 16:30 SESSION 4*
Social Activity in RIGA
Start of the working group sessions DAY 2 09:00
3 live -sessions:
9:00 – 10:30 SESSION 5*
11:00 – 12:30 SESSION 6*
13:30 – 15:00 SESSION 7*
Departure of the delegates to the airport or transport
Programme and presentations
Spring 2022
study and training session 1
study and training session 2
study and training session 3
Programme for working group
1. Day 1 from 9.00 all day including evening social programme
2. Day 2 until 15.00
1. EPSO Working group on EFFECTIVENESS