Management Board of EPSO
Formation of the EPSO Management Board
The management board of EPSO has a potential of 3-5 members. The Board currently consists of 3 members. The members are supported by Mari Murel, the Research and Policy Officer ot he ESPO Joint Office and the EPSO Advisors.
Jooske Vos (chair)

Alvaro Moreira da Silva

Indra Dreika

Appointing a new Board member
After the start of the procedure, in which the formal EPSO partners are involved to elect or propose a new EPSO management Board member, The EPSO Management Board has decided at the EPSO Managment Board meeting 13-12-2019 to appoint Indra Dreika as a new EPSO Managment Board member, starting 1-1-2020. As the Board has a potential of 3-5 members, the Board also asks potential candidates to come forward or be named by their organisation.
As stated by the Stichting E.P.S.O. by-law p.7 and 8:
- Formation of the EPSO Management Board
- the members of the EPSO Management Board are appointed by the management board in conformity with Dutch law and with the statutes of E.P.S.O.
- The members of the EPSO Management Board are unpaid.
- The appointment of a management board member is done after the member concerned is being named by one or more of the formal EPSO partners and appointed by the EPSO Management Board.
- The EPSO Management Board decides what procedure to follow and who to appoint.
- De decision of the board is published on the EPSO website.
- Competences and responsibilities of the EPSO management Board members
a. The job requirements for members of the EPSO management board are:
- Enthusiastic about and supportive to the aims of EPSO;
- Experienced in the field of management of a supervisory , monitoring or regulatory organization preferably at a senior management position;
- Access to a broad network of colleagues in the field of supervisory monitoring or regulatory practice;
- Communicative and network skills;
- Creativity in building a new organisation;
- Available for consultation and support activities if necessary;
- Availability during at least 2 hours per month.
b. The responsibilities of EPSO management Board members are:
- Financial and organisational responsibility for Foundation EPSO in accordance with the Dutch law and based on the Statutes of Foundation EPSO;
- Administrative responsibility for the administrative obligations of foundation EPSO in accordance with the Dutch law;
- Management responsibilities for foundation EPSO and its relation to the EPSO secretariat;
- Organisational responsibility for a working relationship with Foundation Eurinspect as supporting the EPSO activities;
EPSO Updates presented at EPSO 28th Conference in Malmö, Sweden:
EPSO Survey, EPSO Board, EPSO Advisory Network by Jooske Vos, Chair of EPSO Board

EPSO Strategy and Vision were presented during the EPSO 27th Conference in Porto, Portugal:
12th April by Alvaro Moreira da Silva, EPSO Board member

Annual Management Board Meeting
12th June 2018 in The Hague

EPSO Management Board meeting 1st of May 2018 in Copenhagen, DPSA offices
Klas Öberg, EPSO Advisory Board, Sabina Wikgren Orstam, Jooske Vos and Annette-Lykke Petri EPSO Board, Mari Murel, EPSO Joint Office