General Meetings
The third General Meeting will be held during the 18th EPSO Conference
in Dublin 25 September 2014
The Agenda for that meeting will be:
– Presentation of candidate -new board members and board members available for re-election;
– Election of the incoming EPSO board 2015–2017;
– EPSO budget 2015 – 2017; EPSO membership fees.
– EPSO work plan 2015-2017 prepared by the board and EPSO secretariat ( Geir Sverre Braut / Jooske Vos ) , discussed at the board meetings in Copenhagen and Porto ; to be presented for final to the General Meeting at the 18th EPSO conference .
General Meetings EPSO
Terms of Reference
Art. 6
The General Meetings of EPSO have been
6.5 Every two years one of the conferences shall be specified as the ‘General Meeting’. At the General Meeting the partnership decides on:
- the election of the board;
- the budget for the next two years;
- the planning document for EPSO, if a planning document is prepared by the board;
- update of EPSO workplan if advised by the board to do so
6.6 The secretariat shall in advance notice on the website of a General Meeting to be held preferably at the Autumn conference every two years.
- The first General Meeting of EPSO is held during The 10th EPSO Conference
in London, October the 21st and 22nd, 2010.
15:30–16:15 Start of the ‘General meeting’ as referred to in Article 4.1.2 of the Terms of Reference of EPSO (introduced by Geir Sverre Braut, chairman EPSO board)
- Adoption of the electoral procedure as proposed by the board (see Annex 1)
- Presentation of the ( new) candidate board members;
- Election of the incoming EPSO board 2011–2013;
- EPSO budget 2011- 2013 and EPSO Membership
16:15 Closing of the meeting by the Chair
- The second General Meeting of EPSO is held during the 14th EPSO Conference in Utrecht,
October 11th and 12th, 2012.
16.30 ‘General meeting’ as referred to in Article 4.1.2 of the Terms of Reference of EPSO and EPSO Board elections (introduced by Geir Sverre Braut, chairman EPSO board):
– Presentation of board members;
– Election of the incoming EPSO board 2013–2015;
– EPSO budget 2013- 2015; EPSO membership fees.
- 17.00 Preparing for the next EPSO Conferences/ practical EPSO issues ;
- 17.15 Closing remarks by EPSO chairman Geir Sverre Braut.